Change course formet in existing course

Change course formet in existing course

Gunilla Brattberg - келді
Number of replies: 5

I have a course with the format i sections which I want to change to weekly format. I have changed that in the course settings but the dates for the course doesn´t show up on the course page as they do when I start a new course with weekly format. How do I get the course sections to change to week sections?

In reply to Gunilla Brattberg

Re: Change course formet in existing course

Melanie Scott - келді

Did you set a course start and end date? If your course start date is too far in the past or not set, it might not work well. Also, if your topics were renamed, they might overwrite the week dates. If you edit each topic, you might see custom checked--uncheck it and it should reset to the date.

In reply to Melanie Scott

Svar: Re: Change course formet in existing course

Gunilla Brattberg - келді
Yes, I have a start date (May 11) and an end date (June 11). The topics are not renamned. The dates for the course still don´t show up.
In reply to Gunilla Brattberg

Re: Svar: Re: Change course formet in existing course

Melanie Scott - келді
How many weeks did you put in (topics)?
In reply to Melanie Scott

Svar: Re: Svar: Re: Change course formet in existing course

Gunilla Brattberg - келді
When I start a new course I can choose how many weeks I want but when I change from section format to weekly format there is now possibility to choose the number of weeks.
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