Learn Moodle Basics - special edition!

Learn Moodle Basics - special edition!

Mary Cooch -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

With many teachers and other educators struggling at the moment to switch to online teaching, we've decided to run a special edition of our twice-yearly Learn Moodle Basics MOOC. This is a free, four week course for anyone who wants - or needs! - to teach with Moodle. The course uses the latest version of Moodle, currently Moodle 3.8, and will begin on Monday March 23rd. Sign up is open now.

We hope to create a global, multilingual community atmosphere in the course where new Moodlers and experienced Moodlers can help each other through these interesting times.

If you have friends or colleagues who need quickly to adapt to online teaching, please let them know about our Learn Moodle Basics MOOC. If you are an experienced Moodler, feel free to help Helen Foster and myself get teachers teaching with Moodle.