View all student activities on a single page

View all student activities on a single page

por James . -
Número de respostas: 1

I am trying to experiment with alternative ways to display content to students (just to see what is possible with moodle, not for use in production).
I would like try and get the content to display in a stream of activities for students instead of on course pages.

So for example if a student currently was studying a Math course and an English course they would have two course sites they could go to and access the content.
I would like to try and get all the activities to display in a single list. 

So the student would have a page that is basicly a feed of all activities for all courses they are enroled into, then activities they mark as completed would be filtered out and go off the feed and activities that are hidden until another activity is completed would appear on this list as other activities are completed. 

Can anyone give me advice for how they think this could be done with Moodle?

I know I could just backup all the activities and restore them into a single unit, but I would like to have it work so teachers would create and grade all activities of their course pages and students would have a single feed page to view all activities. And would like to be able to have cases were one student does Chemestry and English and a second student does Physics and English and the feed page works the same for both students just getting the correct activities based on the students enrolments.

This is just an experiment to see what is possible at the moment so any help to get something working would be appreciated, and I don't expect this wo work for all activity types and expect there would be some bugs and hackes to make this work. 

I have done lots of Web development and JavaScript development before, and have been supporting Moodle for a few years now. But havn't done Moodle development before. I would like someone to suggest where I could get started?

Em resposta a 'James .'

Re: View all student activities on a single page

por John Provasnik -
Foto de Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto de Testers

A suggestion (using built in features) is to ensure activity completion is enabled on all activities in all courses -  add a completion progress block to each course. Then , add it to the dashboard. For a students they'd see the progress block for all courses on the dashboard, as well as a status of completion.