exporting/converting moodle's HTML content to WORD (.doc) file

exporting/converting moodle's HTML content to WORD (.doc) file

von Di Juwel -
Anzahl Antworten: 0


I have a large chunk of HTML code, including user uploaded images (stored in the "filedir" folder with data in "files" database table), styles from styles.css file and other CSS files and of course various HTML tags like italic, strong, href etc.

I want to generate a word file from this chunk.

does moodle have a built in way to do this? some kind of export function?
this HTML chunk i've generated isn't a particular moodle activity or block so I'm not sure it's a good idea to use any of those plugins that convert certain moodle activities to WORD.

I have moodle 3.5.1 installed.