3.6 clean to 3.7 classic header logo issue

3.6 clean to 3.7 classic header logo issue

- Richard Jones の投稿
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画像 Plugin developers 画像 Testers

Hello all you brilliant themers!

Moodle 3.7.3, classic theme, using a frontpage insert with an image map and some custom js for that.

Moving from Clean to Classic, the logo has slipped under the top navigation bar (as per attached) and is put in by some css that has just a div, anchor and image tag with an inline style.  Seems like it is not part of the coded theme as it doesn't appear in a search of the source code for the image filename.  The image file itself is in the moodle root folder.

Could it have come from some embedded custom html in the old theme that got transferred across?  If so how to get rid of it?

Thanks for any ideas you may have.

