Multitopic format

Re: Multitopic format

av James Calder -
Antall svar: 0
Bilde av Plugin developers

Hello Alexei and Emma,

I've started looking at expanding the options for timing sections in Multitopic format.  I'd rather not implement the full options from Periods format, because (aside from being more work) it looks like the Moodle forms components the Periods format rely on would fail the Moodle code checks.  I was thinking about maybe having options for a course's default topic duration being a week or a day, and individual topic durations being 0-6 days or 1-4 weeks.

Alexei:  If this is still relevant to you, could you check if this would cover most of the cases that teachers use?  I think this should check courses' default topic durations?:

SELECT value, count(id) FROM mdl_course_format_options
WHERE format='periods' AND sectionid=0 AND name='periodduration'
GROUP BY value
ORDER BY count(id) DESC

(And sectionid>0 for individual topic durations?)

Emma:  I don't suppose you know, or know how to find out, whether it's possible to have a course format import section options from another course format?  From the looks of /moodle/course/format/lib.php functions update_course_format_options and update_section_format_options, it looks to me like it should be possible to import course options, but unfortunately not section options?
