Overriding the forum discuss renderer

Overriding the forum discuss renderer

Hipjea D. -
Кількість відповідей: 0


I'm trying to override the forum discuss renderer, which is responsible for the view :

so that I can add data to my theme file templates/mod_forum/forum_discussion_post.mustache

The mod_forum plugin file responsible for the export of the templates elements is forum/classes/output/forum_post.php
So in my theme, I have the following folders :

- classes
    - output
        - mod_forum
             - forum_post.php

My class file doesn't seem to work :

class theme_sonate_forum_post extends forum_post {
Only the template file in my theme templates/mod_forum/forum_discussion_post.mustache alters the rendering of the view.
Have someone any clue about how to add attributes to this template ?