Change Question Data on New Attempt

Change Question Data on New Attempt

لە لایەن Denis Maznikar -
Number of replies: 1


I am trying to create a new question type which given a template calls external script, creates unique questions and answers which are stored in a database. Then when I insert this type of question in the quiz, I would like to get one of these questions and answers (randomly chosen). I would say that this is somewhat similar to the calculated question type.

When trying to display that type of question in a quiz, I am trying to edit the question->questiondata and question->result with one of the unique questions and answers. 

I was trying to accomplish this by changing the question->questiondata and question->result when the function initialise_question_instance() is called. However, when I submit and review the question, the question is populated with different data (I suppose that the function initialise_question_instance() is called again and that's why the data has changed).

Do you know in which step I should edit the question->questiondata and question->result, so that the new created question stays the same and doesn't change.

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In reply to Denis Maznikar

Re: Change Question Data on New Attempt

لە لایەن Tim Hunt -
وێنەی Core developers وێنەی Documentation writers وێنەی Particularly helpful Moodlers وێنەی Peer reviewers وێنەی Plugin developers

The right time/place to do this is in the qtype_..._queestion class, not the qtype_... class.

The start_attempt() and apply_attempt_state() methods exist for this purpose.

start_attempt gets called when a new attempt at the question is started. You can do any necessary updates to the question data for this specific attempt (e.g. this is where multichoice shuffles the choices). Any data you would need later to restore this state must be stored in the $step object using $step->set_qt_var(). Core qtype_calculated is an example: - the code that does the real work is

Then, to make things like processing submitted data and review work, you also need to implement the apply_attempt_state method. The should take the data out of where you stored it in the initial $step, and use it to update the question to match what it was after start_attempt.

If each question only has a few different random variants, then it would be best to let Moodle do the random selection for you. You need to implement the get_num_variants method, and then use the $variant argument passed in to start_attempt to say which random variant is used. The reason to do this is that it makes the quiz statistics report more useful.

Like most things in the question system, the best documentation for the details is in the PHPdoc comments on the methods in the base class (e.g.

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