How to Manually remove plugin

Re: How to Manually remove plugin

Chris Johnson གིས-
Number of replies: 0
Thanks for the pointer... smile
I found the link for "Upgrade database", eventually, although finding it was a challenge in itself, I found it when trying to upgrade the h5p plugin which may be related to me manually removing the plugins own folder. In the process I discovered that it wasn't prompting me for a 2fa code, it was in fact prompting me for an "Upgrade Key" which, when looking into where this is set was updated by me when I installed Moodle so I should have realised what this was. Its annoying that, because I was expecting to see a 2fa prompt, I completely misread the prompt for an "upgrade key" as a "2fa request". Today's learning is "Read what it says on the screen, search google for that text, exactly".