Help required - Attendance report

Help required - Attendance report

Adam Shearmandən -
Number of replies: 0

Hi all,

So i've gone and modified one of the queries from the repository so that i have a record of every students attendance activity result returned in a report table. 

Fields returned are: 

As our modules are split in to multiple moodle courses, each person has multiple rows with a different module name and the percentage attended next to it. How would i then be able to take that result set and return a total attendance for each student using an average of their module attendance percentages? something like:  

I understand i should probably be using a subquery but i'm a bit stumped as this would be my first jump in to that level of sql.

Custom SQL Query is the following:

SELECT u.firstname AS 'Name' , u.lastname AS 'Surname', c.fullname AS 'Module', AS 'Course', 

gi.itemname AS 'Item Name', ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2) AS Percentage_attended,


IF (ROUND(gg.finalgrade / gg.rawgrademax * 100 ,2) > 79,'Yes' , 'No') AS Acceptable


FROM prefix_course AS c 

JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON = ctx.instanceid 

JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = 

JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid 

JOIN prefix_grade_grades AS gg ON gg.userid = 

JOIN prefix_grade_items AS gi ON = gg.itemid 

JOIN prefix_course_categories AS cc ON = c.category 

WHERE  gi.courseid = AND gi.itemmodule = 'attendance'

ORDER BY    Name    ASC, Surname ASC

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