Error in Setting up development environment for MoodleMobile_2

Re: Error in Setting up development environment for MoodleMobile_2

por Mark Johnson -
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Hi Gil, The syntax I put in the wiki is Bash specific (we use Git Bash). I'll add a note to my workaround.

What its meant to do is run npx gulp watch in the background, then run npx ionic-app-scripts serve ..., so running the gulp command first in a separate window should have the same effect, as long as you're running it in the correct directory.

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In reply to Mark Johnson

Re: Error in Setting up development environment for MoodleMobile_2

por sohaira akbar -
I am having the same problem on windows, 
command: "npm run setup" execute successfully. but "ionic serve --google chrome" hang on [INFO]Waiting for connectivity with npm...
I also try "npx gulp watch & npx ionic-app-scripts serve -b --devapp --address=" & separate as well. but now hang on:

Please share any alternative or any solution.
In reply to sohaira akbar

Re: Error in Setting up development environment for MoodleMobile_2

por Ludo M -

I launched 2 powershell

In the 1st:

npx gulp watch

In the 2nd:

npx ionic-app-scripts serve -b --devapp --address=

As dev server is running and lint finished, opening http://localhost:8100/ in Chromium/Chrome browser should work.