Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

Acqua Alta發表於
Number of replies: 0
Hi Nadav,
A couple of days ago the user Joost Elshoff wrote the following on another thread:
"I expect the mod_hvp to become part of Moodle core by 3.9 (May 2020)".

If that so - the H5P plugin (mod_hvp) will become a part of Moodle core on 3.9, what would happen with the RTL version of the H5P plugin?
I can think of 3 possible scenarios:
1) The version of mod_hvp that would be implemented in Moodle 3.9 would be one that will include the RTL support built-in.
2) The RTL version of mod_hvp that you develop and support would still be developed on a separate "channel", and could still be installed as separate plugin that would cover/conceal the original core mod_hvp, and in reality replace it.
3) Problemo? plugin vs core issues would make it difficult to include RTL support for H5P in Moodle 3.9, and we RTL users would have to wait for core RTL support of H5P in future versions.

What is it going to be, in your opinion?