Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -
Number of replies: 14

There are "rumors" about H5P features coming in Moodle 3.8 - Moodle Roadmap page states "improved H5P integration", but no more information is provided.

Can someone with more knowledge about this integration, share it?
Should we expect the H5P plugin to be part of Moodle core?

By the way, we are using a Right-to-left (RTL) environment of Moodle, and an RTL version of the H5P plugin is being developed separately.
I wonder how this planned integration of H5P into Moodle would affect our situation.

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In reply to Acqua Alta

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Sander Bangma -
Hi Acqua Alta,

You can find the H5P epic on tracker.

Delivery of the H5P integration will be done iteratively as there is some substantial back end work to be done.

For Moodle 3.8 we are working on integration of:

  • The H5P renderer
  • Ability to add H5P content through an Atto editor button (add H5P everywhere Atto can be used)
  • Filter to automatically convert h5p urls to embed code

For Moodle 3.9 we are targeting full integration of the H5P plugin functionality, including being able to add H5P as Moodle activities. For this project we will also aim to improve the overall user experience compared to the current plugin.

At this stage we will depend on H5Ps ability to support RTL
Average of ratings:Useful (8)
In reply to Sander Bangma

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -

Thank you very much for the update.

In reply to Sander Bangma

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Séverin Terrier -
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators

You can also look at the H5P developper documentation to know more about it's integration in Moodle 3.8/3.9 sourire

In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -

Thanks for the tip, Séverin.

In reply to Sander Bangma

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Patrick Scott -
are there any plans for implementing H5P in the global search?

I went through the stories at the H5p epic in the tracker: https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-66382
and the H5P development road map: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/H5P
and couldn't find anything about global search implementation.
is it safe to say that at the moment there no plans for such an implementation it or did I miss it?
In reply to Acqua Alta

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators
Latest H5P 1.19.1 + RTL support: https://github.com/iucc/h5p-moodle-plugin (this version is maintained by the Israeli academic sector members at the IUCC consortium)
Enjoy smile
In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -
Hi Nadav,
Thanks for the update. I've got a couple of questions:

  1. To the best of my knowledge (based on a reply in a different thread), at least in Moodle 3.8 only "basic" (non-RTL enhanced) H5P would be integrated into Moodle. But what is planned to happen in Moodle 3.9 and afterwards?

  2. Assuming that I could install the RTL version of the H5P plugin on a Moodle 3.8 deployment, and I would create RTL content with the RTL version of the plugin in this system, and then would export this content to a native/vanilla Moodle 3.8 system, would the H5P content be played correctly on the other (vanilla) Moodle. 3.8 system, RTL wise?

  3. How does https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-2825 request come into play? Does this implementation would spare the need to maintain a seperate RTL version of the Moodle plugin (and/or updates to the core code of Moodle)?

I'm sorry for the dumb questions. I'm still trying to grasp all the H5P stuff at general, and our RTL issue doesn't help smile

In reply to Acqua Alta

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Nadav Kavalerchik -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers Picture of Translators
1. True. very basic initial integration of H5P will be available in Moodle 3.8, so you still will need the H5P plugin (or better yet, the RTL version of H5P we share)
2. Our RTL version of H5P is already working well on Moodle 3.8dev, but if you create content with it the looks good on RTL and then export it to a Moodle version with regular H5P with not RTL support, it will not look good. (everything will be misaligned)
3. I have been sending PR to H5P team for many years now, but there is no integration on their part. including the HFP-2825 you mentioned sad

If RTL support is important to you, you better use our version which is a drop in replacement of the latest stable H5P release.

There is also an ATTO H5P plugin: https://github.com/nadavkav/moodle-atto_hvp
That enables you to embed H5P activities anywhere (with respect to user permissions, of course)

Average of ratings:Useful (2)
In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -
Thanks a lot, Nadav. Hag Sameah smile
In reply to Nadav Kavalerchik

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Acqua Alta -
Hi Nadav,
A couple of days ago the user Joost Elshoff wrote the following on another thread:
"I expect the mod_hvp to become part of Moodle core by 3.9 (May 2020)".

If that so - the H5P plugin (mod_hvp) will become a part of Moodle core on 3.9, what would happen with the RTL version of the H5P plugin?
I can think of 3 possible scenarios:
1) The version of mod_hvp that would be implemented in Moodle 3.9 would be one that will include the RTL support built-in.
2) The RTL version of mod_hvp that you develop and support would still be developed on a separate "channel", and could still be installed as separate plugin that would cover/conceal the original core mod_hvp, and in reality replace it.
3) Problemo? plugin vs core issues would make it difficult to include RTL support for H5P in Moodle 3.9, and we RTL users would have to wait for core RTL support of H5P in future versions.

What is it going to be, in your opinion?
In reply to Acqua Alta

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by John Provasnik -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Testers
Does anyone know if H5P will have more log options? Right now. I can only see if a student views an H5P module, but I can't see if they interacted or completed it. (In the logs) in Moodle 3.5 - appreciate if anyone knows. Thanks.
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to John Provasnik

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Mathieu Pelletier -
Wouldn't that be nice!  H5P touts reporting and "extra reporting" as features of the SaaS version, so I am not sure how inclined they would be to include this in the self-hosted version as it might undermine that income stream.

Have a look here for more information on that: https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290796486149145438
and here as well: https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290700531837530558
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to John Provasnik

Re: Which H5P features are coming in Moodle 3.8?

by Beatriz Rojo -
Hi John and Mathieu,
a very good point, I'd also love it, trainers need to be able to see the attempts to monitor and support their learners' progress. On the H5P forums, it is said that this is possible installing an LRS, though. In my case this is not so easy since it will add an extra burden to an already busy IT team.
If you find a workaround to that, I'll be glad to read it.
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