Wanted - An issue tracker + test cases manager

Wanted - An issue tracker + test cases manager

oleh Acqua Alta -
Jumlah balasan: 1

When preparing new deployments of Moodle, I feel the need for the following things:

  • An issue tracker, where I could document all the bugs and issues that I discovered in the system.  The tracker should let me define custom fields in order to document what is more important to me.
  • A test case manager, that would let me write, export and import templates of test cases, assign them to a server/project and then document the results of preforming these test cases.

Do you have any suggestions? Is there a tool that has both functions?

I heard and know a little bit about Jira (Mainly from using Moodle Tracker a little bit) and Redmine, but not enough in order to determine what is suitable for me.

Thanks in advance senyum

I thought to myself that developers are the best audience for this kind of question, so I asked in this forum. Please correct me if you know a better forum for this.

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