Page Layout file in a Block - Moodle 3.5+

Page Layout file in a Block - Moodle 3.5+

por Dave Emsley -
Número de respostas: 4

Hi all,

I've looked and can't find this so I suspect not but I'm developing a block and want quite a specific page layout.  Is there a way to include a page layout template within the block?



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Em resposta à Dave Emsley

Re: Page Layout file in a Block - Moodle 3.5+

por Richard Jones -
Imagem de Plugin developers Imagem de Testers
Hi Dave

Not sure quite what you want but if it's just the block content layout wouldn't a suitable Mustache template fit the bill?

Média das avaliações: Useful (1)
Em resposta à Richard Jones

Re: Page Layout file in a Block - Moodle 3.5+

por Dave Emsley -
Hi Richard,
I'm not overly keen on moustache templates but if that's a solution OK - However I'm unsure where it would go.

Em resposta à Dave Emsley

Re: Page Layout file in a Block - Moodle 3.5+

por Richard Jones -
Imagem de Plugin developers Imagem de Testers

Hi Dave

Again I'm not sure it will solve whatever you want to do but the basic process would be:

1. Call a renderer from your get_content() function in block_name.php, eg

$renderer = $this->page->get_renderer('block_name');
$this->content->text = $renderer->fetch_block_content();

2. Create a renderer.php file with the function fetch_block_content()

class block_name_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
public function fetch_block_content() {
        global $USER;
        $data = new stdClass();
        $data->welcome = get_string('welcomeuser', 'block_name', $USER);
        return $this->render_from_template('block_name/block_content',

3. Create Mustache template to display the content (block_content.mustache in your templates folder)


(see example Moodle code for the expected comments and so on).

You can use Bootstrap 4 classes in that template to style your layout.  Of course you can add or pass more data items to your renderer function to build up $data and pass things to the template (url's for example).  More example code can be found here:

Honestly once you get past the initial horror of dealing with a whole three files at once it does get easier sorriso. The big thing for me is that the block layout can visualised cleanly in HTML.



Média das avaliações: Useful (2)