Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

ved Stephan Bach -
Antal besvarelser: 5


I'm using STACK questions including plots generated with JSXGraph. If I'm using adaptive mode or immediate feedback in my moodle quiz it all works fine, but if I'm using deferred feedback the JSXGraphs are not shown after the students have submitted their quiz. Previews of the questions do work.
Is there anything I can do to make the questions also work with deferred feedback?

I've found a workaround though: If I'm using immediate feedback and only show solutions, marks and correct answer after the quiz is closed, I basicly have a deferred feedback, except the check-button is shown at the end of every question during the attempt.

Thanks, Stephan.

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I svar til Stephan Bach

Re: Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

ved mana mboh -

Not a solution, I'm afraid, but I do have the same issues.

I use jsxgraph diagrams in formula questions because they allow variable labels. For instance, I have a question missing-angle question which would serve the same text and diagram but different values labeling the diagram. This means that if I set the question in a quiz students cannot simply share the answer as they would have different answers. If they wished to "cheat" they would have to share how to calculate the answer rather than just give their answer...

I have found that if I use more than one question with a jsxgraph in a quiz then when the quiz is submitted, the review does not display all the diagrams. It does display them but my understanding is that they are placed in overlapping layers as they diagrams are located in DIV's.  I do suspect your issue is slightly different as you suggest that your question previews dont work? Do you by chance have more than one diagram? maybe one also in the feedback?

Yours is the only reference I have found to this issue and I did investigate DIV layouts.

I svar til mana mboh

Re: Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

ved Bernat Martinez -
Hi mana,
You are right, each div containing a jsxgraph has to have a different id. One solution is to make the div id a variable, for example {MB}, then construct it in a way that would be very very difficult to have 2 id equals.
I svar til Bernat Martinez

Re: Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

ved mana mboh -

Hi Bernat,

I would be very interested to explore your suggestion. If you could explain a bit more I have some time in the next month to attempt to implement it.

At the moment I don't explicitly set the DIV id and had not idea of its possible role in shifting the box down the page!

Thanks in anticipation

I svar til mana mboh

Re: Using STACK + JSXGraph with deferred feedback

ved Bernat Martinez -
Please find attached 2 examples: one using JSXGraph filter, other without.
Hope it helps