Bulk Upload Feedback Files to an Assignment

Bulk Upload Feedback Files to an Assignment

Lisa Caines གིས-
Number of replies: 0
Testers གི་པར
An instructor at my institution have an assignment in Moodle 3.5.4 where students' submissions were downloaded in bulk.  Currently only graded submissions saved as .pdf extension are allowed in the bulk upload of feedback files.  

  1. Is it possible to allow bulk upload of other file formats as feedback files?
  2. Does anyone have a process to return feedback file is other formats like Ms Office?
  3. Is it possible to add this grading workflow to future assignment roadmap?

I welcome any feedback on this workflow, or any workaround that you might have used. 


དཔྱ་སྙོམས་ཀྱི་སྐུགས་ཚུ།: -