Competencies gap report


oleh Kashyap Kr -
Jumlah balasan: 12
Well explained, thanks a lot Shirley. So logically where can i put the competency gap? Also i'm trying to show it by using two plugins like the 'monitoring of learning plans' and 'ned mentor moodle', like they have graphical view and report view containing all courses, users their competency and learning plans ratings.
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr


oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
Where you put the competency gap depends on what values do you want your competency gap to display?
- All students who achieved their competencies?
- All students who achieved the maximum skill level for each competency?
- All students who did not achieve their competencies?
- All students who can improve their skill level for each competency?
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
Many thanks, Shirley!

Here is what I have done using 2 different scales:

In the Course Gradebook, we have the actual score for an associate. There itself I have put 2 scales:
a) Required Score (i.e. C1, C2 and C3 implying Basic, Intermediate and Advanced)
b) Gap between the Required and Actual Score (Didn't meet the Requirement, Met the Requirement, Exceeded the Requirement)
c) We've taken the actual score for an activity here (under activity 1) whereas the course total will average out the actual scores for the activities in case there is more than 1 activity in the course.
Course Grader report using custom scales
In the NED Mentor Manager, we are trying to fetch these scale inputs through coding. Also, I'm thinking that is it logically correct to correlate these two scales with competency scales (C1, C2, C3 - Basic, Intermediate and Advanced)?

Other than these how can I also see the reports you mentioned above:

- All students who achieved their required level of competency set by the Organization
- All students who did not achieve their required level of competency set by the Organization

Thanks a ton!
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
Well this is very interesting, the grade and the competency rating all in one place.
I will assume that you are not using Learning Plans, since you have been able to pull everything into your custom Grade Report.
Pulling in the All Students who did/or did not achieve their required level of competency would probably require a custom table, where each Organization and number of skilled students required per competency is stored.
Assembly Area A (organization area ID) - 10 students skilled at Fixture Design (competency ID)
Assembly Area B - 5 students skilled at Fixture Design
Assembly Area C - 25 students skilled at Fixture Design.
Across all organizations - 40 students must be skilled at Fixture Design.
Across all organizations - 25 students have achieved the skill Fixture Design.
Across all organizations - 15 students have not yet achieved the skill Fixture Design - Competency Gap = the 15 students without the Fixture Design competency.
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
Thanks again, here's the situation I'm currently having. We've an master score card excel sheet and the competencies linked to the associates changes from time to time. I thought to make a grader report (Moodle's default view) having activity scores and scales linked to it. Again if designation of the associates changes then manually i need to enter their scores and setting up the learning plans, like we can say role based competency score. So doing less of the grades and scales update i'm thinking if it is possible to import the excel to Moodle database and once the excel sheet is updated it should trigger the competencies, scores, scales of the associates in the Moodle database too.

Very Many Thanks.
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
We have 2 live documents - Technical Skills Competency Map and Soft Skills Competency Map. We review these 2 documents periodically and as a result, the required and actual scores of the Associates change on the same.

To put it more bluntly, when an Associate changes his role from Engineer to Team Leader, his required competencies change. E.g. For Engineer Role, his communication needs to be of C2 (intermediate) level, but when he changes his role to Team Leader, it needs to be C3 (advanced).
And after the Engineer undergoes a course, his actual scores are going to change anyways. Hence the documets are 'live'.

We want to put these two live documents in Moodle Database. The required scores (Technical & Soft Skills) for all roles will be fetched through a code from these 2 live documents, whereas the Course Gradebooks will have the Associates' actual scores. There will be another code to find out the Gap between the Required and the Actual and in the Course Gradebook Report, both will be visible (as the picture below). Do you think we are on the right path?

competency gap report
If yes, what are the things we should be careful about?
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
It sounds like you are on the right path. The only thing, I wonder about is do you need to retain the "training history" of when the Associate changes roles/learning plans to the next level? Will your import write over the existing data and will that matter to you in the future?
Rata-rata penilaian:Useful (1)
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
Yes, we want to retain the "training history" of when the Associate changes roles/learning plans. I am not sure whether the import would write over the existing data; I need to check with the stakeholders whether retention of the training history is important.

I've another question. I have a course called "Communication" which has 2 different modules - Verbal and Non Verbal Communication. Each of these modules will have 3 submodules (e.g. Verbal Communication has a) ability to express; b) ability of explain; and c) ability to persuade). Each of these submodules will have 3 different levels of Competence (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced). This implies we will have 18 learning plans in the following manner....

Ability to Express (Basic)
Ability to Express (Intermediate)
Ability to Express (Advanced)
Ability to Explain (Basic)
Ability to Explain (Intermediate)
Ability to Explain (Advanced)
Ability to Persuade (Basic)
Ability to Persuade (Intermediate)
Ability to Persuade (Advanced) and so on...

Does this sound alright? The Modules can be put in the Course "Communication" as separate lessons. I am asking because in my understanding "Communication" should have been a Category...Verbal and Non Verbal should have been the Subcategories, but the instructor would like "Communication" to be a single course only. No issues with that, right?
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
I would not like to create 18 learning plans, I would create the learning plan for each required competency. The goal of any learning plan is to achieve the highest level of competency. However, in Moodle once a competency is achieved, the progress is updated regardless of the rating. IMHO the rating needs to be tied to a numeric value for the overall progress to the learning plan.
You may be stuck with the 18 learning plans and manual "closeout" of each learning plan as the student moves to the next skill level.
One course, can be done or it can be separate courses. Administratively, one course may be easier to manage. However, you may want to consider, how often would the content be revised? Large courses and are active for an extended period of time, often get "stale." If you needed to rework just a section of the course, it will affect all students regardless of their course progress.
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
Thank you so much. May break the same question into a few pieces?

If I create the learning plan for each required competency, should my Competency unit be Communication or Verbal Communication or the 3 submodules of Verbal Communication: Ability to Express, Ability to Explain and Ability to Persuade (Should I call them indicators/outcomes?) I was thinking my competency unit should be Verbal Communication (this can be the parent for all the Child Competencies i.e. Sub- modules) and same will be on the Learning Plan. While saying this, I could not figure out completely why the competency unit should not be Ability to express to break down the competency of Verbal Communication further? Assuming these competencies are independent of one another i.e. to be able to explain, you might not necessarily have to be good in expressions (just an hypothesis) As I have seen, in the competencies, the scale can be set as competent/not competent and in the learning plans, the scale can be set as complete/ not complete. If I want to use the functionality of "Monitoring of Learning Plans", which of these Competency Units makes more sense? And how can a numeric value be tied to the rating for the overall progress of learning plan?
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
Normally, the learning plan is labeled as the position title, Engineer I, Engineer II, etc.
Each learning plan has specific competency that each job level must have to be successfully in that position.
Normally, they build, job level III has all of the competencies from level's I and II.

You can either build you learning plans at the three distinct levels, and an employee would complete a level and they be assigned the "next" learning plan in the series. Or you could build each level to contain all of the competencies they must have for the position. The Level III would have all competencies in the Communication series.
Note, there is no automation for this, it is all manual administrative work.
The parent - child relationship in the competency framework did not work the way I had envision it. I quickly unlinked them as soon as I did a course (competency) revision and never relinked them.
I have not used the Monitoring of Learning Plans functionally, it was not at the level of Moodle I am at - and it didn't offer the functionality I required. Learning plans at a educational level are quite different and do not consider that an employee's learning plan has expiration on their achieved competencies. Hopefully, Moodle Workplace supports this in the future.
The numeric values is not support by Moodle's core competency object - this is business requirement that hopefully Moodle Workplace will support.
Sebagai balasan Shirley Gregorczyk

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Kashyap Kr -
Questions w.r.t. Cohort based Enrollment:

1) Once the Associate changes his role from Engineer to Team Leader (the Moodle Admin removes this Associate from the cohort: Engineer and adds him to the cohort: Team Leader and as a result, his learning plans and list of assigned courses get updated). Once this update happens, is the previous learning history retained? Or the new learning plans override the old ones? If we want to retain the previous learning history, how should we set it up? And will these 2 learning plans be appearing in 2 different clusters?

2) This Cohort based Enrollment is a set of mandatory enrollments tied to roles (Engineer, Senior Engineer, Team Leader etc.) defined by the Organization. However the Associate can do self-enrollment for some courses. These self-enrolled courses will also be visible as learning plans along with the courses to which he is mandatory enrolled depending on his present role. Can we set the learning plans view in a way that all the learning plans dropping from the mandatory enrollments are visible in one cluster and all the learning plans dropping from his voluntary self-enrollments are visible in another cluster? Can we segregate the two learning paths?

Thanks a lot.
Sebagai balasan Kashyap Kr

Re: reports related to competency gap

oleh Shirley Gregorczyk -
Gambar dari Particularly helpful Moodlers
1. A student can have multiple learning plans. Such as a developmental plan and a skills requirement plan. Once a student has finished their learning plan, the admin can unlink and complete the plan for each student and it will be retained. Learning plans should not be deleted if you need to retain the history. However, there is no reports to provided you meaningful data on student's completed and in progress learning plans.

1. and 2.
Enrollments and learning plans are two very different things.
Enrollments allows for the access to a course. You can use cohorts as an enrollment method and you can sync a learning plan template to a cohort.
If you remove a student from a cohort's membership, you remove their enrollments. When you remove the enrollments, you no longer have course grade reports. You will still have the Grade History Reports, but you need to keep track of your date ranges to generate the reports.
The default student view is the Dashboard with their current enrollments. The Learning Plans are not the default view and end-user navigation from Learning Plan to competency to course is clunky. This is more prone to human error.