backup courses outside Moodle cron on DB server

Re: backup courses outside Moodle cron on DB server

yazan Alain Raap -
Yanıt sayısı: 0
Particularly helpful Moodlers 'ın resmi

The automated_backups.php script can also be started as a Linux cron job on the DB server. I managed to get this working with a Moodle instance where I only had to make a minor change in the automated_backups.php script in admin/cli. Also I had to temporary disable the caching store in muc/config.php while running the script. I also changed the settings of the Automated backup in 'Manual' instead of 'Enabled'. And I disabled the automated_backup_task in Moodle cron tasks. 

Code update in automated_backups.php:

     66 //if (moodle_needs_upgrading()) {
     67 //    echo "Moodle upgrade pending, backup execution suspended.\n";
     68 //    exit(1);
     69 //}

Bash script to add to the Linux crontab:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script:
# - Backup courses with admin/cli/automated_backups.php
# Writer:       Alain Raap
# Date:         19-03-2019
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
exec > >(tee -i /var/log/automated_backup_moodle_courses.log)
exec 2>&1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHP_CMD="/usr/local/bin/php -d log_errors=1 -d error_reporting=E_ALL -d display_errors=0 -d html_errors=0 -d memory_limit=2048M"

echo "${SCRIPT}: Start automated backup script"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change MUC (Remove Moodle-redis store)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "${SCRIPT}: Remove Moodle-redis store from muc/config.php"
sed -i -e "0,/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/s/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/'store' => 'default_application'/" $MUC
sed -i -e "0,/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/s/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/'store' => 'default_session'/" $MUC

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run automated backups PHP script
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Change MUC (Restore Moodle-redis store)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "${SCRIPT}: Restore Moodle-redis store in muc/config.php"
sed -i -e "s/'store' => 'default_application'/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/" $MUC
sed -i -e "s/'store' => 'default_session'/'store' => 'Moodle-redis'/" $MUC

echo "${SCRIPT}: End automated backup script"
exit 0

Copy the bash script to /var/www/moodle/admin/cli and execute 'chmod 555'.

Add this line in the crontab of your database server (runs on Saturday night 0:00 hrs):

0 0 * * 6 /var/www/moodle/admin/cli/ > /dev/null