Moodle Workplace Announcement and FAQ

Moodle Workplace Announcement and FAQ

Gry Stene -
Vastausten määrä: 0

Moodle Workplace login

Tuesday 12th February was an exciting day in my now 3 1/2 month journey as Chief Product Officer at Moodle. As some of you may have noticed on our social media channels, we announced Moodle Workplace, bringing the official Moodle Workplace product to the world.

Moodle Workplace is the result of 9 months of intense (and under the radar) collaboration between Moodle HQ and Moodle Partners worldwide with extensive experience delivering services and solutions for organisational learning and development in the workplace.

The product is the best of Moodle, fine-tuned for organisational learning and show-cases how Moodle HQ works with Partners and community to deliver a stable and consistent solution that can fast-track organisations' learning & development programs.

Some of the key new features in Moodle Workplace are multi-tenancy, organisational hierarchies and roles, programs and certifications, dynamic rules to model workflows and pathways and a configurable report builder.

Moodle Workplace will be available through Moodle Partners only and we will be running a pilot program to continue work with our Partner to extend and improve the product from March till June 2019.

We appreciate  your patience while we have been working at full speed to deliver something unique, consistent and stable based on the collective knowledge of Moodle HQ and Moodle Partners for organisational L&D.

We have published some key information about Moodle Workplace on our website at and are working on a comprehensive FAQ as well as demo videos that we will share with you as soon as possible.