Javascript error

Javascript error

por Nilesh Pathade -
Número de respostas: 2

I want to use jquery in my moodle page. 

I have try $PAGE->requires->jquery();

It showing me error 

Can not add jQuery plugins after starting page output!
Please check attached file. Line no 597

Em resposta a 'Nilesh Pathade'

Re: Javascript error

por Nilesh Pathade -

Please look into this, maybe I am going something wrong with JS.

I am using external jquery.min.js file and it's working fine. but when I am going to submit plugin code checker showing me lots the errors of coding standards. So I feel that and ideally I should use  $PAGE->requires->jquery(); of Moodle jquery lib.

But it's showing me 

Can not add jQuery plugins after starting page output!
Please help me out.
Em resposta a 'Nilesh Pathade'

Re: Javascript error

por Justin Hunt -
Foto de Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto de Plugin developers

You are calling :$PAGE->requires->jquery() too late.

You need to call that before you call $renderer->header() or $OUTPUT->header()

Depending on your plugin, you may not be in a situation to do that. In that case, you should try to write your javascript as AMD modules which will have jquery available to them.