Moodle Slow downs for no reason.

Moodle Slow downs for no reason.

von Jeff Smith -
Anzahl Antworten: 1


Hopefully you guys can give me some help. I am trying to host a site for a client and I have had nothing but problems after upgrade. Im using 1.5.2 on a Dual Xeon Server with 1 GB ram and plenty of hard drive space. The Moodle install will OFTEN slow down enough to be not usable when the server load is below 1. My server admin puts it:

"Well, the mystery about this site is that sometimes it runs very smooth and sometimes it loads initial page 10 seconds even though load is ok (below 1), there is RAM memory available and both apache and mysql aren't overloaded."

Any configuration changes you can suggest or possible reasons it may slow down would be helpfull.


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Als Antwort auf Jeff Smith

Re: Moodle Slow downs for no reason.

von Matt Gibson -

Hi Jeff,

Sounds odd. I have had some similar issues setting up our moodle install recently and have learned that calling the cron tasks via http can slow things down quite a bit during the time they are running, leading to something similar to what you describe. I run 3 separate moodle installs on one miniserver and had all the cron jobs set to run concurrently, so now i have staggered them and changed them to command line php. See here for more tips. Are you using a php accelerator?
