Report problem

Report problem

por ricardo guerra -
Número de respostas: 1

I have this problem bellow... 

"There are no students on this course or group for whom completion information is displayed. (By default, completion information is displayed only for students, so if there are no students, you will see this error. Administrators can alter this option via the admin screens.)"

this configuration (moodle/course:isincompletionreports) is ALLOW for students... my problem occurs after the end of the students' training period (enrol period), because it is at that moment that the data comes from the report of completion of activities

 Anyone can help me? sorriso

Anexo Sem título2.png
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Em resposta à ricardo guerra

Re: Report problem

por Elizabeth Dalton -

If you are trying to run the report after the end of the student's enrol period, the previous students no longer have the student role permissions, including moodle/course:isincompletionreports. You need to run the report before the end of the enrol period, or extend the enrol period until the time when you will be able to run the report, or add a new role (e.g. "archivestudent") which does not end and which includes participants in reports, but does not grant other permissions from the student role.