see previous rubric results while grading after resubmission in Assignment

see previous rubric results while grading after resubmission in Assignment

per Renate Wesselingh,
Number of replies: 1

I use Moodle 3.3.1+, and I recently did an assignment in which the students submitted their work in groups. Groups consisted of two, but sometimes only one student. I used group submission, so if one student of a group submitted, the other student automatically was considered to have submitted the work as well. I used a rubric for grading, and the students could submit their work in multiple attempts until obtaining a passing grade.

When the students submitted a revised version, I used Edit > Update grade to grade the work again. This sometimes brought up the rubric filled in with the scores in each category that I gave for the previous version (with a green background in the rubric cell chosen), which was very practical. But sometimes there was no indication of previous scores, only the overall grade was shown at the bottom, and that was quite annoying, since I wanted to compare with the previous scores. I noticed that for a group with two students, only one would have the previous scores in the rubric, the other not. For these groups I simply picked the student with the old grades showing to do the grading of the next version.

I assumed it was the student that submitted that would have these previous rubric results visible, but it turned out that it was the other, non-submitting student that had these results, and that these were actually the results of the previous attempt, since the feedback and the attachment of the previous attempt were also shown, but there was no warning that I was modifying a previous attempt. I would insert my new comments above the old ones and replace the attachment with my new version. This was less practical, but at least I could see my previous scores and remarks while grading the new version. For the groups with only one student, my only option was to edit the feedback on the previous attempt deliberately, with the View a different attempt button at the bottom of the grading window.

It would be great if there was way of seeing the previous grade details (in a rubric or with other grading methods) and comments when grading a resubmission of an assignment without modifying the previous attempt. I personally do not use the PDF in the grading window (I enter my corrections and remarks in a text editor and upload the file as an attachment), so there would be room for a split window design with the previous attempt on the left.

Another improvement would be to update the total score for the current rubric on the fly (or at least give a button that allows to calculate the total score as it is at that moment), without having to submit the grade first.

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In reply to Renate Wesselingh

Re: see previous rubric results while grading after resubmission in Assignment

per Jonathan Newman,

I have a teacher requesting the same capability. When grading multiple submissions the ability to show the previous submissions rubric would be a big time saver.