Load the modal overlay menu in adaptable theme using another link

Load the modal overlay menu in adaptable theme using another link

بواسطة - Edmund Evangelista
عدد الردود: 4

I'm planning to hide the top navbar of my adaptable theme. However, I want to add a new link in the lower navbar that displays the modal overlay menu similar to what the Links menu is calling. How can I load the modal overlay menu using any other link?

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رداً على Edmund Evangelista

Re: Load the modal overlay menu in adaptable theme using another link

بواسطة - Fernando Acedo
صورة Plugin developers صورة Testers
رداً على Fernando Acedo

Re: Load the modal overlay menu in adaptable theme using another link

بواسطة - Manoj Solanki

Should be possible. Look for the line echo $OUTPUT->get_top_menus(); in the theme file  /theme/adaptable/layout/includes/header.php. This line calls the core renderer function get_top_menus() that itself renders the mustache template Fernando is referring to above)

You should be able to take this line out of header.php (or comment it out), and then put it in the equivalent footer file here:  /theme/adaptable/layout/includes/footer.php