Managing student chosen lessons in Moodle?

Managing student chosen lessons in Moodle?

by Marvin Hamm -
Number of replies: 2

If I want to give my students a choice in one part of my English course where they need to complete at least 30 points worth of assignments from a list where the assignments could range anywhere from 1 point to 10 points each, how do I handle that in a Moodle course? I could have some students completing three 10 point assignments and other students completing thirty 1 point assignments. The list of assignment choices would be way to long to build in the course itself, I would expect the list to live outside the course.

I'm trying to think of ways to tackle this:

Each student would be working on some assignment at this moment. Is there a way to build an assignment that the student would submit their intentions and their possible points could be entered in per student at that time?

How do I make the goal of the course to get x points and not complete this list of assignments?

Does anyone have an example of a course where they use Moodle to manage a course based on self directed learning where the students declare their assignment and end up working at a different pace and on different stuff than their piers?


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In reply to Marvin Hamm

Re: Managing student chosen lessons in Moodle?

by Marvin Hamm -

Had one thought this morning on the way to school. I could create an assignment per week valued at the total points they should earn for that week. It would imply/encourage a certain pace. But the end of term could be messy with some a number of 'weeks' behind. Not a very elegant solution. There must be a better way.

In reply to Marvin Hamm

Re: Managing student chosen lessons in Moodle?

by Marvin Hamm -

One very clunky workaround I'm using, is to create single student Groups and creating/assigning assignments by group. A lot of work, but it seems to make it able to have different students in the same course working on different assignments.