Run single scheduled task from the Moodle interface

Run single scheduled task from the Moodle interface

Hittesh Ahuja -
Atsakymų skaičius: 3


I know the TASK API allows you to run individual scheduled tasks from the command line and that is great but does anyone see a benefit in running a single scheduled task from the Moodle interface. 

This question stems from two situations  : 

1) Moodle administrators do not have access to the web server 

2) <moodle>/admin/cron.php web page timing out ! 

When a site is particularly busy and you need to run that ONE task and cant wait it would be really hand to think about building a plugin that would do that for you from the admin interface. 

The reason I pose this question here is because I am sure during  building the new Task API moodle developers must have thought about this and probably thought ' naahhh!' . just wanted to understand if there was a reason behind this ? 



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Atsakymas į Hittesh Ahuja

Re: Run single scheduled task from the Moodle interface

Tim Hunt -
Core developers paveikslėlis Documentation writers paveikslėlis Particularly helpful Moodlers paveikslėlis Peer reviewers paveikslėlis Plugin developers paveikslėlis

My colleague sam implemented this a while ago: MDL-55980. It's in Moodle 3.3+

Atsakymas į Tim Hunt

Re: Run single scheduled task from the Moodle interface

Hittesh Ahuja -

Awesome ! Thanks tim.