Moodle Error for Student assignment upload

Moodle Error for Student assignment upload

ni Fernando Alonso -
Number of replies: 0

Hello Experts and users,

I am going to explain the scenario and ask for some questions at the end, your help and expertise would be very much.
First from the moodle student platform how can I get the version of Moodle as I am not teacher or an admin!

Although if it is required I can ask the IT admin of university.

Lets see the scenario:
 10 to 5 minutes before the submission deadline of a module I entered the site and tried to delete the existing DOC (earlier assignment draft) it was not disapearing so I repeated the same task over but the file was not getting deleted and finally it disapeared and I could upload the final version, it was 2 minutes before deadline and uploaded the file(Docx file with 600 KB) and it was loading or uploading for more than 3 minutes when I saw deadline is getting over I clicked once again on save button(exact deadline minute) and then it gave me an error which unfortunately I didnt take screenshot of error but as far as I remember the error number was either 900 or 999 or 1000. later on I was giving permission to upload as resubmission but now they think it was my fault and they asked for admin investigation!
Now the questions:
Are the admins able to see the error I have received? How can I help them to debug the error I got?

Does moodle save the cache pages in chrome cache?
How can I recover the error from my laptop?
Thanks a lot in advance

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