How to access private files block from parent instance

How to access private files block from parent instance

per Disha Thakarshibhai Devaiya -
Nombre de respostes: 0

Hi All,

I have one scenario in which i wants to access private files block from parent instance.

I have one "landing" moodle instance. By default all users will be landing on this instance. 

Inside landing instance, I have another instance called "201703". This is our current semester instance.

When user lands on landing instance, they upload files under private files blocks.  then after if they visit any courses then it redirects to "201703" instance as current courses are saved in current semester instance. After that when user clicks on dashboard then it redirect to 201703 dashboard page. Here they can not see uploaded private files. Due to some security issues we are not redirecting to main landing instance.

For both instance we have separate config files, data folder and database.

Is there any way to access private files block of "landing" instance in sub instance "201703" ?

For ref purpose, I have attached images.

1. User land on landing instance, private files display

2. User clicks on subject and then clicks on dashboard link

3. User lands on 201703 instance and private files will not display as all files are stored in landing instance.

Fitxer adjunt landing1.png
Fitxer adjunt landing3.png
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