More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

Maram Meccawy-mit -
Antal besvarelser: 4


I have been a way from the site for a while and I have read the newsletter to catch up the last updates regarding moodle's development. I have read that both moodle 1.6 and 1.7 will have much to do with web services and since my

PhD project proposal involves web services, moodle and adptive educatiobal hypermedia I would like to know more about this particular topic.

Thanks a lot smiler

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I svar til Maram Meccawy

Re: More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

Julian Whitehead-mit -

I too would like to know more about this. Mainly for 2 reasons - please don't be cross with me if this information is available elsewhere...

  1. What is coming up in Moodle 1.7 - 2.0?
  2. What is the timescale.

I teach in a Local Education Authority in the SW of the UK, and run a site that both myself and a handful of teachers at my institution use a great deal. Word has spread, and a neighbouring authority wants to know all about Moodle.

I can fill them in on the day to day running of the site, how easy upgrade it, security etc, but I cannot hand on heart let them know about the future.

There are numerous VLEs starting to raise their heads in the UK - none of which have matched up to moodle I hasten to add (yet), not least in terms of value for money or functionality, never mind the collaborative nature of the environment. I think this neighbouring authority is one of a few to see a good thing when it slaps them round the face and does not necessarily wish to go with whatever SWGfL or Ramesys provide (their current product is slow and very clunky, not to mention a general pain). Hopefully this will start to spread, especially as the OU decision to go to moodle should be the catalyst we all need in the UK to break free.

If anyone has any documentation (should it exist) especially on the My Moodle Project and how moodle might tie in with e-learning portfolios, I would really appreciate it.



I svar til Maram Meccawy

Re: More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

Julian Ridden-mit -
I svar til Julian Ridden

Re: More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

Maram Meccawy-mit -

Thanks Julian,

I have already seen this page and that is how I knew about moodle and web services. But I want more regarding this specific topic, is there any thing else mentioned about WS? I tried searching the site but no luck untile now!



I svar til Maram Meccawy

Re: More about Moodle 1.6 and Web Services

Martín Langhoff-mit -
There are a few patches that add some WS and WS-like support. In the last MoodleMoot, at least two teams from different universities had such implementations. There is probably also a WS patch coming from the LAMS integration.

Whether any of those will ever be part of 1.6 proper -- I don't know! blinker