Course Upload is not restoring the course

Course Upload is not restoring the course

by Erika Khoury -
Number of replies: 1


I am trying to use the course upload on version 3.2 to create a course and restore the content from an existing course.

I have used it before on version 2.9 and everything worked fine. This is the first time I am trying to upload a course on 3.2.

The course is created, but the content is not restored from the other course, see the end of the process messages:

  • Courses total: 1
  • Courses created: 1
  • Courses updated: 0
  • Courses deleted: 0
  • Courses errors: 0

This is the error that display when the process finishes. 

Upload courses results

String does not exist. Please check your string definition for errorwhilerestoringthecourse/tool_uploadcourse
  • line 9905 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to debugging()
  • line 761 of /admin/tool/uploadcourse/classes/course.php: call to lang_string->__construct()
  • line 209 of /admin/tool/uploadcourse/classes/processor.php: call to tool_uploadcourse_course->proceed()
  • line 97 of /admin/tool/uploadcourse/index.php: call to tool_uploadcourse_processor->execute()

I will appreciate any help! I need to create a bunch of courses, this way has been very useful for me.

In reply to Erika Khoury

Re: Course Upload is not restoring the course

by Erika Khoury -

Hi everyone,

I found the problem. 

The error message helped me to review the code and see where the process was stopping. It was failing on the execute_precheck function in the class restore_controller. The function checks/validates the source course before restoring. For some reason my source course had issues. To resolve it I created a blank course and import from the course with issues all the activities I wanted to be restored on the bulk course creation. So creating a blank course with the activities through the import gave me a good course to use to restore and create the other ones. Basically the issue was on the course that I was trying to restore from.
