Moodle For Schools - White buttons with white text

Moodle For Schools - White buttons with white text

Michelle Morrow -
Erantzun kopurua: 1


I have a Moodle for School account.

When I was customising my moodle account I have found that the when I change the theme_school | secondarycolour to white (which I want because my logo needs a white space), it also means that many buttons also turn white which would be OK except the text in these buttons seems to be fixed to white and I cannot change them to another colour. 

Am I missing something?  

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Michelle Morrow(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Moodle For Schools - White buttons with white text

Mathieu Petit-Clair -
Core developers-ren irudia Moodle HQ-ren irudia MoodleCloud team-ren irudia Plugin developers-ren irudia Testers-ren irudia

Hi Michelle, 

I just had a go at this and the "secondary font colour" controls the colour of the text on the buttons, which could be a way to fix this issue.

I am not sure what you mean by the logo needing a white space. Is that something that could be changed in the logo image itself?
