xAPI support fo Moodle Mobile App

xAPI support fo Moodle Mobile App

дэргэд Carl Lauer -
Хариу нийтлэлийн тоо: 1


As far as I am aware, the only way to add xAPI support to Moodle is via the xAPI Launch Link plugin. However, as this is not core Moodle functionality, it is not available in the Moodle Mobile app. I tried to find out from the Moodle development roadmap what plans, if any, Moodle has for either including xAPI support in Moodle core functionality (and thus also in Moodle Mobile) or through its plans for the "Platform - Plugins infrastructure" development. However, I could not find any relevant informaton on this. Is the support for xAPI in Moodle Mobile on the roadmap at all and, if so, I would be very grateful for an indication of its priority. My impression is that it is very unlikely that this functionality will become available in the next 12 months, but would be pleased, if I were wrong...

Any clarification on this would be appreciated.

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Carl Lauer-н хариуд

Re: xAPI support fo Moodle Mobile App

дэргэд Juan Leyva -
Core developers зураг Moodle HQ зураг Plugin developers зураг Testers зураг


in Moodle Mobile we only support functionalities that are supported by Moodle core (not via contributed plugins), in any case, if there is a plugin implementing XAPI you can always ask the plugin developer to support the mobile app via remote add-ons https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Moodle_Mobile_Remote_add-ons
