Recovering a "lost" attempt on MoodleCloud

Recovering a "lost" attempt on MoodleCloud

por Davi Odó -
Número de respostas: 4

Hello everyone,

I'm hosting a Moodle course using the Moodlecloud basic plan. Last week, one of my students did a quiz attempt but, somehow, it got lost - I think she didn't submit it, but I'm not sure.

The problem is: it's like it never happened. She can't continue the quiz and there's no memory of her attempt. However, I can find it in the logs. When I click it, it shows:

"Can not find data record in database table quiz_attempts"

Is there any way I can access the attempts table on MoodleCloud?


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Em resposta à Davi Odó

Re: Recovering a "lost" attempt on MoodleCloud

por Mathieu Petit-Clair -
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Hi Davi, 

This error is not specific to MoodleCloud and the folks in the quiz forum might be more helpful at explaining how this happens (and how to prevent it).

It is not possible to access the sql tables of a MoodleCloud site, but if you contact us from the MoodleCloud portal (we would then know which site is yours...) we might be able to help. I agree with you that she might have not submitted her attempt and unfortunately in this case, looking at the database would not recover anything.


Em resposta à Davi Odó

Re: Recovering a "lost" attempt on MoodleCloud

por Tim Hunt -
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There are only two ways this can happen:

  • A teacher goes and manually deletes the attempt using the quiz reports. (Check the logs.)
  • The permissions are set up wrong, so the student has the teacher's permission to preview the quiz instead of attempt it (Use Quiz administration -> Check permissions and look for mod/quiz:preview.)

Em resposta à Tim Hunt

Re: Recovering a "lost" attempt on MoodleCloud

por Davi Odó -

Thanks for the reply, Tim!

That makes sense: this particular student was also acting as my assistant, so she had administrator privileges. It's very possible that she just previewed the test and thought she was making a real attempt. In this case, is there any way to get her answers back?

Thanks again!