Can't add slots on a specific module

Can't add slots on a specific module

por Helen Axe -
Número de respostas: 1

Hi All

We have just made v2.7.1 live for our users with great success on all but one module page. This module page won't allow for timeslots to be added, it is disabled. This module page is for the library where all students are enrolled, is there a limit to how many students can be enrolled on a module for the scheduler to work?

Moodle v3.2

I'm fairly new to moodle so appreciate any help with this.



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Em resposta à Helen Axe

Re: Can't add slots on a specific module

por Henning Bostelmann -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Plugin developers

No, there's no limit on the number of students.

I suspect the reason is different - possibly you have no teacher enrolled in the course. (New slots would need to belong to a teacher.)

Also, note that you're using an outdated version of Scheduler - Scheduler 2.7.1 is not tested with Moodle 3.2, you should be using Scheduler 3.1.1 instead.