Restore to other courses isteacher of

Restore to other courses isteacher of

ni Michael Penney -
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Noticing this problem moving from one semester to another: a teacher should be able to restore one course to another course if he/she is a teacher of both.

This comes in as a problem when course shells are set up automatically (in our case via LDAP), someone who is a teacher of a fall course should be able to easily move their course content and structure over to their spring course themselves.

The functionality is sort of there in the new Import course data command, however that function doesn't copy the course structure, just the course content. An option in import course data to import course structure and content would fix the problem.

The functionality is also sort of there for course creators, they can restore a course to a different course they are a teacher/creator of.

But teachers can only restore to the same course? It seems like teachers should be able to restore one existing course they are a teacher of to another existing course they are a teacher of.
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