LDAP on MoodleCloud

LDAP on MoodleCloud

Vastuste arv 2

I've been trying to get LDAP authentication enabled for MoodleCloud for a while now and unable to figure it out.

I landed on the following plugin, which apparently handles LDAP:

Home> Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > CAS server (SSO)  - Under 'plugins overview'

When I open the settings, I encounter the following error:

The PHP LDAP module does not seem to be present. Please ensure it is installed and enabled if you want to use this authentication plugin.

Exception - Call to undefined function ldap_connect()

This is the same for any LDAP related plugins I attempt to configure.

/admin/phpinfo.php comes back blank

/admin/environment.php doesn't list the ldap extension

Is there any way at all to enable to LDAP extension on MoodleCloud?

I'm using the Free site (3.2.x).

Thanks for any help!

Keskmine hinnang: -
Vastuses B J

Re: LDAP on MoodleCloud

Chris Reid
Hi B J

Currently LDAP authentication method isn't supported on MoodleCloud, so it would explain the problems you are having with the setup. 

Unfortunately there is some confusion with configuration settings you can access. The MoodleCloud team are looking to resolve this by disabling these from view.

We do review the features available on MoodleCloud regularly so it may be enabled at some point in the future.

Hope this helps clarify.


Vastuses Chris Reid

Re: LDAP on MoodleCloud


Thanks for your reply Chris, I guessed that might be the case.

Might have to consider the other authentication methods in the meantime.