Issue with Android Push Messaging

Issue with Android Push Messaging

par Romeo S,
Nombre de réponses : 2

Hello everyone,

I am facing an issue with push messages not arriving at the Android clients.  I have a custom built Moodle mobile app (phonegap) with my own AirNotifier server (moodle fork).  Push messages to iOS clients work perfectly fine, just Android clients are affected.  I've created a project on the Google Developer console, enabled the Cloud Messaging API and whitelisted the IP address of the AirNotifier server.  I even whitelisted as suggested in some other forum posts.  In the phonegap built I've adjusted the project ID in the config.json and config.xml file.  

Looking at the AirNotifier error log I get the following:

[I 170425 19:42:33 connectionpool:756] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):

[E 170425 19:42:36 web:1908] 500 POST /api/v2/push/ ( 3424.23ms

With the test scripts from I was able to get a slightly more detailed error message:
string(31) "{"error": "Mismatch sender Id"}"

I am a bit of a loss here since I've tried creating several API keys and double checked the project/sender ID.  Recently the Google API project got migrated to Google "Firebase" (, however the original keys and sender ID remained the same.  

  • Sender ID = added to config.json and config.xml in the phonegap build as well as AirNotifier config
  • Legacy Server key = added to the AirNotifier config

Any ideas what could have gone wrong here?  Thanks a lot in advance!

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En réponse à Romeo S

Re: Issue with Android Push Messaging

par Luigi Passerini,

Hi Romeo,

we have this same issue: could you please share with us how did you solve the problem?

