Praise for the poor little Label Module

Praise for the poor little Label Module

por John Windmueller -
Número de respuestas: 1

I wanted to put a compliment in on the new Label module, but alas, the poor dear doesn't even have a forum devoted to it. 

But hey... I just used it as a sort of connected learning activity... or at least, in conjunction with such an exercise. 

I'm teaching an "Introduction to Integrative Studies" undergrad course this semester, which involves a broad survey of core competencies ( used throughout he school's integrative (multi-disciplinary in a sense) degree program.  We were covering the comptenecy of "aesthetic response", and so I gave groups of students in the class disposable cameras and sent them out with the assignment to photograph the most beautiful places on campus. 

When they came back at the next class meeting (and I had the photos developed), I explained that we were going to judge the top three photographs, which would have the honor of being the banner of the class' web page for the remainder of the semester.  Students created a set of criteria for judging aesthetics (a great exercise, and plenty of discussion about the social construction of aesthetic preference). 

Anyhow, it was the very handy Label Module that made placing the collage of those three "award winning" photographs at the top of the class Moodle page.  Thanks! 

And, if you're curious, here's a small version of the three images...

collage of student pictures

p.s. And on the other odd use for under-appreciated modules... I have a group of grad students planning conflict resolution work in Bosnia who have their own "team Moodle page", we're they're all set up as instructors, and among the many other features, they use the Choice module to decide what to order for food at their weekly face-to-face meetings.

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