Assignment-Submission-Grades BULK DELETE???

Re: Assignment-Submission-Grades BULK DELETE???

av umesh chavan -
Antall svar: 0

We tried deleting Assignments one by one, which is a huge task for us, as there are 1000+ assignments spread over different classes.....

**It would be easy if we have option to select the multiple assignments / submitted files / grades and then option to export / delete.

so the concern class teacher will be able to delete the assignments and submitions.

Secondly we wanted free up the space so after deleting the assignment, will it delete the submitted files of the users? and grades as well?

will that make space on disk?? thats ok we will run cron....

secondly for some courses we tried deleteing assignment one by one, but next day again we see the same assignments at its palce, whereas for some courses, if we delete the assignment it does not appear again....where am I going wrong??

but Davo if you could add the feature as mentioned at **... that would be great...

Thanks smiler