Offline grading, groups and feedback files in 3.0.5

Offline grading, groups and feedback files in 3.0.5

بواسطة - Tue Korsgaard
عدد الردود: 3
صورة Plugin developers صورة Translators

Hi fellow Moodlers 

We have an issue which I would love some input on. 

One of our costumers are using groups quite a lot, especially for assignments. The problem occurs when the users try to use the Offline grading functionality and only one group member is required to submit his work (since it is done in a group). 

When the zip-file is downloaded, Moodle generates one assignment per user in the zip-package. For all members of the same group the actual file content is of course identical. But if the teacher wants to give feedback in the file, the teacher is forced to make same changes in all feedback files from the same group. This causes a lot of extra work for the teachers. 

Is there any workaround? 

متوسط التقييمات: -
رداً على Tue Korsgaard

Re: Offline grading, groups and feedback files in 3.0.5

بواسطة - Stephen Owens

We had the same issue so developed this patch

رداً على Stephen Owens

Re: Offline grading, groups and feedback files in 3.0.5

بواسطة - Tue Korsgaard
صورة Plugin developers صورة Translators

Good work with the patch - to me although it seems a bit unclear whether it will actually be merged into 3.2 since the code change is for the 2.9 branch or whether anyone are working on providing the required unit tests? 

رداً على Tue Korsgaard

Re: Offline grading, groups and feedback files in 3.0.5

بواسطة - Tony Butler

Thanks Tue. The patch is actually based on the master branch and is regularly rebased, so if you wanted to cherry-pick it after the release of Moodle 3.2 it should merge cleanly. Unfortunately it won't be integrated in time for the 3.2 release as I haven't had time to create the tests yet (and won't for quite a while) and the codebase is about to be frozen for pre-release testing.