Configure SEB for unmanaged client in Moodle 2.9

Configure SEB for unmanaged client in Moodle 2.9

by ARI HF -
Number of replies: 1

Hi Current I develop Moodle Online Examination System using Quiz Module, I reach a point to configure Safe Exam Browser to work with unmanaged clients remotely; I didn't know where to but I tried to read the manual "Safe Exam Browser How to" I managed to install quizaccess_rule plugin which provide supports to Safte Exam browser, my question is, why I get this message when I use the option of copy the Exam Security Key in Exam setting (quiz setting in Moodle?) see below

Attempts allowed: 1

// My concern is this line,
You must use an approved version of Safe Exam Browser to attempt this exam. You can download it from

// This message is desplayed eventhough I open the exam system via SEB

Time limit: 3 hours

This exam has been set up so that it may only be attempted using the Safe Exam Browser. You cannot attempt it from this web browser

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In reply to ARI HF

Re: Configure SEB for unmanaged client in Moodle 2.9

by Ken Task -
Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம்

You might be able to change (remove) that link via editing language files.

Not sure which php file, however.

When fgreping for 'safeexam" files in /moodlecode/lang/en/ (if your site has different language settings you will see other subdirectories indicating that language) that found only one reference for that term 'safeexam':

Kens-MacBook-Pro:en ktask$ fgrep safeexam *.php
admin.php:$string['configenablesafebrowserintegration'] = 'This adds the choice \'Require Safe Exam Browser\' to the \'Browser security\' field on the quiz settings form. See for more information.';

The download URL, BTW, takes one to a 404 page ... not found.

'spirit of sharing', Ken