missing notification to student after unilateral change of Date/Time from teacher

Re: missing notification to student after unilateral change of Date/Time from teacher

by Kathrin Schwarz -
Number of replies: 0

Thanks a lot !!!

I have change the source in techerview.php line 235 and expand the lang/scheduler.php with the new Email Text.
Tomorrow I will test again, but it looks good. Thank you!!

The code

if ($mform->is_cancelled()) { redirect($returnurl); } else if ($formdata = $mform->get_data()) { scheduler_save_slotform ($scheduler, $course, $slotid, $formdata);
// ks6 /************************* notify student if slot change *********************/
 $oldstudents = array(); foreach ($slot->get_appointments() as $app) { $oldstudents[] = $app->studentid; $slot->remove_appointment($app); }
// notify student if ($scheduler->allownotifications) { foreach ($oldstudents as $oldstudent) { include_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scheduler/mailtemplatelib.php');
 $student = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $oldstudent)); $teacher = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $slot->teacherid));
 $vars = scheduler_get_mail_variables($scheduler, $slot, $teacher, $student, $COURSE, $student); scheduler_send_email_from_template($student,
 $teacher, $COURSE, 'changebyteacher', 'teacherchange', $vars, 'scheduler'); } } echo $output->action_message(get_string('slotupdated', 'scheduler'));