Allow tutors/admin to see individual student's submission status table for the assignment(assign) activity

Allow tutors/admin to see individual student's submission status table for the assignment(assign) activity

ó $a->name - $a->date
Number of replies: 0

Hi Moodlers,

I am writing a report plugin that a tutor can see the results of user's grades, feedback etc and able to click on their feedback to be taken to the result page. For the assign activity module when I construct the link with the course_module id of the assignment ( only the individual can see their result page (in this case the 'Submission status' table). If I am a tutor and click onthat link it takes me to 'the same view.php page but only shows the 'Grading summary' with all participants.

To get the specific student's page then I need to add the parameters after id=?(&rownum=?&action=grade OR &action=grade&rownum=?&useridlistid=?). The problem is that the rownum for each user can change if the page is sorted.

Has anyone done anything similar to this that I can use?

Please see attached I have a word doc with three screen shots, the first image is what a student sees if they click on the constructed link. The second one is what the tutor/admin sees but I want them to see image 3 which shows the student's submission status table.

I am still looking into th eassign module but any help is highly appreciated.

Kindest regards,


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