Creating a page of Group Private Files

Creating a page of Group Private Files

Ted Long -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0


I would like some help if anyone can assist?

In short, I am trying to achieve a solution so that all groups have access to their own set of files easily via a link. In addition, it would be beneficial, but not essential, that such a folder with the relevant permissions is created each time a new group is created.

I am comfortable in setting up individual files for groups that only I can see, but I wonder if you know of a quicker/easier way or even as a workaround, if there is a way to put all of these individual files under one page?For example, I would like to be able to provide a link on the Moodle homepage saying "Your Documents" which a student could click on and it would take him to a page which the group folder in. I think this would work if there is a way to put all of the individuate group folders together on one page, but with each folder having it's own restrictions to stop other groups seeing it but am unsure if this is possible?

Kind regards

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