Review Mode activated on 3rd try

Review Mode activated on 3rd try

door Randy Cruz -
Aantal antwoorden: 1

I know this topic has been beaten to death, and ive read all the strings of conversations, but i do not have a workaround that works for me, so i'll post and see if anyone has had a similar issue.

I'm using Articulate SL 2, exporting to SCORM 1.2.

My moodle settings are: unlimited attemps, force new attempt - No, highest grade, etc.

What's happening:

When i launch the SCORM activity and quit before completing it, im prompted to resume (yes/no) as normal. However, on the 3rd launch, im prompted to "start a new attempt" or enter in review mode. 

My issue is, where do i set the number of attempts (in this case its 2) before im kicking into review mode? I dont want the user to have to check the "new attempt" box before understanding that progress in review mode wont be recorded.

My goal - enter the activity as many times as you want, resume any time you want, unless you "complete" the lesson. I guess im wondering why the lesson isnt complete/pass/fail on the first 2 attempts/resumes but on the 3rd it is.

Thanks in advance.

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