Help using User Field Filter in a custom SQL query

Re: Help using User Field Filter in a custom SQL query

Randy Thornton -
Number of replies: 2
Documentation writers Նկարը

By the way, this does work with views. So my suggested syntax fix above is correct.


Create a view mdl_user_fullname with two columns, the user id as id and a concat of the first and last names into a single column as fullname.


SELECT u.username, fn.fullname
FROM prefix_user_fullname fn
JOIN prefix_user u ON =

works as expected. (Assuming your view has the same prefix_  as your standard tables.)

Attachment screenshot_2113.jpg
In reply to Randy Thornton

Re: Help using User Field Filter in a custom SQL query

Gisele Brugger -

Hello all

I use the configurable report block to make querys also in external database.

Exemplo : 

database name: sgeead2

table name: escolas 

field to search : razaosocial

ex query:

SELECT * from sgeead2.`escolas`




obs: is ver important :   WHERE 1=1 in this case because code have : (moodle-block_configurablereports/components/filters/searchtext/plugin.class.php )

if ($operator == '~') {

                    $replace = " AND ".$field." LIKE '%".$filter_searchtext."%'";                 


id you dont put : WHERE 1=1 Will acknowledge an error 

SELECT * from sgeead2.`escolas` AND  razaosocial LIKE'%filter%';

and corret is:

SELECT * from sgeead2.`escolas`   WHERE 1=1 AND  razaosocial LIKE'%filter%';

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