Adding new UI elements according to the current value of a select

Adding new UI elements according to the current value of a select

J P - ން
Number of replies: 0

Hi!, I'm new in moodle and always programmed at client-side. I think maybe I'm missing something because of that reason. I need to provide the user with diverse UI elements, according to what he selects in a combo. I was trying with something like this:

$this -> _form  -> addElement('select', 'displayStrategy', get_string('displayStrategy', 'xForum'), $displayStrategy, array('onchange' => 'javascript: function loadStrategy(selVal){


 type: "POST",

 url: "../mod/xForum/action/displayStrategy.php",

 data: { class: selVal }

}).done(function( msg ) {

 console.log("Strategy was executed");


}; loadStrategy(this.value);') ); 

That is being executed and the log is printed in the console, but the content in displayStrategy.php is never executed, a "loading" effect is added to the current view and a last problem is I also need to call a function in the same object that is writting the UI ( the one in mod_form.php that executes all the $this -> _form  -> addElement(...))

Can you give me a hand? How can I execute those methods according to the strategy?

Thanks a lot!

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