View Only Site Manager role

View Only Site Manager role

ó $a->name - $a->date
Number of replies: 2

Hi all

We have partners who want to be able to login to our Moodle and see the structure/ set up of our LMS. 

I have created a custom role that can be used in the System context only, and disabled many permissions so users with this role cannot add/delete users, change user data, add/delete courses and categories. They are unable to Edit blocks on the My Learning page. 

However, they are still able to 'Turn Editing On' at Course level. 

turn editing on

In permissions (Define Roles), I have prevented:





I want to disable this so they are not able to edit at Course level. But I would like them to see the content, as well as the Courses and Categories, without changing anything. This is why I have based the role on Site Manager and still have System ticked. 

Role context

What am I missing? Can anyone make a recommendation? I just want to be able to disable Course editing. 


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In reply to Sheila Tan

Re: View Only Site Manager role

ó $a->name - $a->date
Picture of Core developers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

It sounds like you may have been better to base the new role on the non-editing teacher capabilities. I know that role wouldn't normally be applied site-wide, but it sounds like there would be fewer changes to that role than the site wide Manager role in order for your new role to be applied across the site.

In the meantime, perhaps do a capabilty overview check between your new role, Manager and non-editing teacher to see what the differences are and what you may need to change