Feature Req - add "unread" messages notification on course page, assignment dropbox

Feature Req - add "unread" messages notification on course page, assignment dropbox

Tania L - келді
Number of replies: 2


Faculty at my college love the "unread posts" text that is on the course main page. Is there a way to also make this text available for Assignment Dropbox?

For example - see screenshot attached

I am using Moodle 2.7.

Thank you!


Attachment Capture.PNG
In reply to Tania L

Svar: Feature Req - add "unread" messages notification on course page, assignment dropbox

Simon Heissler - келді

the "recent activity" block will show submitted assignments to your teachers - is that what you are looking for?

Attachment 2016-05-04 11_20_14-Course.png
In reply to Simon Heissler

Re: Svar: Feature Req - add "unread" messages notification on course page, assignment dropbox

Tania L - келді


Sorry for my late reply, I didn't realize until now that my profile preferences weren't set up to receive email notifications but now it is.

The "Recent Activity" block is sort of what I am looking for, but I was wondering if there is an even more in-line display of the submitted student assignments next to the assignment link itself?
